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Flips General Policy

On behalf of all the employees at FL!PS Gymnastics, we wish to thank you for joining the wonderful group of members at our gymnastics facility. For those of you who have been with FL!PS over the years, thank you for continuing with our programs. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions about our facility or programs. Thank you again for choosing FL!PS. We are committed to making our programs a positive experience for you and your child. 
Flips primary way of communicating with parents is through e-mail and the bulletin board in the lobby. Please make sure we have an accurate email address in your parent portal for communication.

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Flips Policies

Tuition Due Dates: 

Monthly tuition is due on the 15th of the preceding month (ex: October tuition is due September 15th). Credit card on file will be automatically charged if tuition is not paid by some other means by the first of the month. If no credit card is on file and tuition is not paid by the first of the month a $25.00 late fee is charged to your account. Flips does not mail tuition statements. Summer tuition is due in its entirety by June 1st. You must re-register for the summer session in order to be charged for summer. Credit card on file will be automatically charged for summer tuition if not paid by some other means by June 1st.

Quarterly Payment Options: 

Flips offers the option to pay for school year session classes quarterly solely as a convenience to our customers. However, our classes do not run on a quarterly basis. There are two sessions-a school year session that runs from September thru May and a 10 week summer session that begins in June. Quarterly payments are only available as an option during the school year. Customers who pay quarterly receive a 5% discount. Quarterly payments are due at the beginning of the session in September and again on November 15th for Dec/Jan/Feb and on February 15th for March/April/May. 

Dropping From the Program: 

Flips re-enrolls each child in their scheduled class month after month through the end of May. Students are automatically enrolled the entire school year session unless we are given formal written notice that the child is dropping from the program. Flips requires a 2 week notice PRIOR to the month your child will be discontinuing classes (ex: to discontinue in March, we require a written notice by February 15th). Parents must notify the front office, not the class instructor. If a 2 week notice is not given, parents are responsible for tuition that accrues and the charge card on file will be charged until notice is given as stated on the registration form. Summer Session drops are accepted until June 1st. After June 1st no further drops will be accepted and tuition for the 10-week session will be charged in full.

3, 4, or 5 Week Month: 

Tuition is based on a 3, 4, or 5 week month. No adjustments are made due to holiday closures or when only 3 classes are held in a given month. Likewise, no additional amount is charged when students have 5 classes in a month. Should the number of classes fall below 3 in month, a makeup may be scheduled.  Summer tuition is based on 10 full weeks of class.

Make-up Classes: 

Students are strongly encouraged to attend their regularly scheduled class. In the event your child must miss their class you may schedule a make-up. Absences and make-ups may be scheduled through your parent portal. There are no refunds for missed classes. Students must be currently enrolled in class in order to do a make-up. Make-ups cannot be carried over from one session to the next. Makeups are not scheduled for holiday closures with the exception of Halloween pm classes. There are no make-ups for team, highschool or tumble for dance participants.